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Can you teach professional judgement?

On Thursday, 23 May 2024, Sir Andrew Likierman talked about how a better understanding of what makes good judgement helps students learn about it. Professor Sir Andrew Likierman has developed a framework to help professionals make better judgements and helped the FRC with their own 2022 Professional Judgement Guidance.  In this…Read more

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The transformative power of blending creativity with accounting education

Sondos Bannouri explains how blending creativity with education has sparked a small revolution in teaching accounting concepts at Tunis Business School. Teaching innovations with creativity At Tunis Business School (TBS), I’ve implemented creative techniques to enhance student learning experiences and encourage active participation. Recognising the impact that visual aids have…Read more

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A Journey from Campus to Career Insights

The ICAEW Southern Intra University Competition, sponsored by Mazars in collaboration with ICAEW, offers students from the University of Southampton, University of Portsmouth, and Bournemouth University an opportunity to challenge their business acumen. Highlighting the path for future accountants, the ICAEW Southern Intra University Competition stands as a beacon of…Read more

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How to create meaningful collaborations between students and businesses

Webinar: Tuesday 30 April, 2024 12 noon (London). Explore the importance of collaborations between education providers, students, and external organisations. Join ICAEW and Accounting Cafe to discuss the art of creating meaningful collaborations between education providers, students, and external organisations in a triple-win relationship. Discover innovative ways to bring real-life…Read more

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