ACE Accreditation

Accounting Club Educators (ACEs) deliver effective and engaging financial education to schools. Information about the Accounting Clubs in Schools programme and what is expected of ACEs is on the Accounting Clubs in Schools page.

You may become an accredited ACE before finding a school to offer Accounting Club, or you may already have a school in mind and now wish to become accredited. Either way is fine, but Accounting Cafe does not provide introductions between ACEs and schools.

The cost of ACE training includes the Colour Accounting Learning System materials. These will be delivered to your billing address unless you specify a different address during checkout. Fees are non-refundable.

Hello and welcome to ACE Accreditation Programme outline Meeting 1: Saying hello and creating rapport Meeting 2: The butterfly conversation Meeting 3: Deriving revenue and expenses Meetings 4 and 5: Classic Transactions Meeting 6: Telling a business story Meeting 7: Personal finance I Meeting 8: Personal finance II Meeting 9: Personal finance III Meeting 10: Feedback and reflections