Pop-up Symposium 2024

Join us in London on Friday 13 December 2024, for “Pop-up Symposium 2024”. Everybody is welcome.

Accounting Cafe and Accounting Streams are co-hosting a special event for accounting educators.

We’ve planned a fun-packed day of short presentations and a workshop that will demonstrate how you can contribute to the Accounting Streams project. There will, of course, be plenty of opportunities to catch up with old friends and meet new ones, too.

We warmly welcome everybody from the accounting education community, so please invite others, whether from schools, universities, professional institutes or training companies. We encourage a diverse mix of talents and perspectives.

Anyone attending may submit a presentation proposal, although it is not required.

The deadline for proposals is Friday, 22 November 2024

We welcome proposals from anybody but particularly encourage new and less experienced educators to contribute. This is a fantastic opportunity to share your practice in a small, friendly, supportive environment.

Please contact Paul Jennings or Toby York with your ideas for a presentation or discussion. Alternatively, submit papers and presentations by email to [email protected], following the guidance below.

The details

Friday, 13 December 2024
Doors: 9.15am to 5pm
Programme from 10.15am to 4.15pm

St Matthew’s Conference Centre, Westminster, London, SW1P 2BU

Charge £99
This includes attendance, lunch and refreshments throughout the day.
Accommodation is available nearby if you are arriving the night before. Staying on Thursday night is likely to be cheaper than Friday. Here are some accommodation suggestions from Booking.com. Be sure to filter the results to suit your criteria.

Submitting a presentation or idea

We are adopting the lightning presentation format. This allows for a quick overview of your topic with five minutes to present up to five slides (although slides are not required). There will be a further five minutes for questions. You will also have opportunities to discuss your presentation informally with others throughout the day.

Contributions should relate to innovative teaching practices in one or more of these areas:

  • teaching approaches
  • lesson or course sequencing
  • developing learning outcomes
  • effective ways to explain principles and concepts
  • ways to engage students
  • methods of assessments
  • assignments
  • in-class activities

Please submit an outline of around 100–200 words to [email protected] by 22 November 2024, including:

  • your name
  • institutional affiliation, if relevant
  • the title of your presentation
  • the practice you are sharing
  • its impact (e.g., student, colleague feedback, other impacts)
  • advice you would give others wishing to adopt it.

A small editorial team reviews submissions. It is a light touch process that focuses on the extent to which the contribution meets the guidelines and has the potential to interest our audience. Don’t expect the sort of feedback you might receive from a journal or academic conference.

If we cannot accommodate your submission at the symposium, we may consider it for publication on the Accounting Cafe website. In this case, we will ask you to prepare an article that meets our Guidelines for Contributors.

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